Magical Items

*Invisibility Cloak - are woven from the hair of the Demiguise, can make the wearer invisible

*Put-Outer - looks like a cigarette lighter, turns on and off a street light

*flying motorcycle - owned by Sirius Black

*Time Traveller - small silver hourglass worn on a chain around the neck, allows wearer to go back in time

*Mirror of Erised - inscription carved around the top reads "Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi," which is "I show not your face but your heart's desire" written backwards, you look into the mirror, you see the deepest, most desperate desire of your heart

*Remembrall - glass ball the size of a large marble, full of white smoke, tells you if there's something you've forgotten to do by glowing scarlet

*Seven-Lock Trunk - which lock you unlocked, you would see different things inside

*Pensieve - shallow stone basin with odd runes and symbols carved around the edge, store memories and thoughts

*Quick-Quotes Quill - acid green quill is carried by Rita Skeeter, writes exaggerated versions of whatever is said in its presence

*Sorcerer's Stone - give immortality and change metals to gold

*Marauder's Map - made by James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew, it is a magical map of Hogwarts castle


